Exemptions under: NDCC 37-19.1-02 (5)
Current employees exempt:
- Full or part time employees
- Temporary employees
- Interns applying for internally posted/advertised positions
- However:
- Interns are not considered employees they are considered students.
- Veterans Preference does apply when a current intern;
- Applies for a regular position with another agency or
- Applies for a regular position with current agency if,
- Position is posted/advertised externally and,
- Intern applies as an external applicant
Current State Agency Employee:
- Not eligible for Veterans Preference with same agency
- Not eligible for Veterans preference with another state agency
- Eligible for Veterans preferencew with other Political Subdivisions
Current Political Subdivision employee:
- Not eligible for Veterans preference within same Political Subdivision
- Eligible for Veterans preference with another Political Subdivision
- Eligible for Veterans preference with a state agency
Exemptions under: NDCC 37-19.1-02(4)
**If any of the below exempt positions are advertised. The advertisement must state that veterans’ preference does not apply to the position being advertised.
Elected or Appointed Officials:
- Chief Deputy
- Private Secretary
Department required by law:
- Administrative Head
Governor appointments:
- Temporary Committees
- Individual appointments
- Group appointments
Legislative Assembly:
- Temporary Committees
- Individual appointments
- Group appointments
Other Exemptions
Municipal Steam Heating Authorities: NDCC 40-33.1-05
- Officers
- Employees
Municipal Parking Authorities:NDCC 40-61-04
- Officers
- Employees
Resource: North Dakota Century Codes: NDCC37-19.1 and NDCC37-01-40