105 Code Ave N
Park River, ND 58270
A Note from President Stenvold North Dakota Viet Nam Veterans of America
Our motto is: Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another. We do not nor will not let any generation of veterans be treated the way we were when we returned home from our war.
Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) is a congressionally chartered veterans organization with about 60,000 members. Our national headquarters is located in Silver Spring Md. We have 3 national meetings per year along with either a national leadership conference or our national convention making up the 4th meeting each year. Our goals are to help veterans with the healthcare we were promised when we entered the service. Vietnam veterans are still being killed by the effects of Agent Orange there are 13 different cancers and diseases that are service-connected to agent orange. PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) a stigma of wars that has affected veterans of every war, is still huge. Nightmares, cold sweats, short temper, can't be in crowds, can't stand in lines, the list goes on and on if you suffer from any of these, you may need help.
Suicides are killing veterans and active service members at a rate that is off the charts we have to be able to talk about suicides instead of sweeping them under the rug and hoping they will go away on their own ”THEY won't, veterans of wars need help.
THE FEDERAL BENEFITS FOR VETERANS book put out by the VA is 156 pages long these are benefits for us. If you're having trouble, GET HELP! 15,000 plus veterans from North Dakota served in Vietnam yet, we only have about 400 members from the state that have joined this organization. If you were boots on the ground we will need a copy of your DD214. If you were in Vietnam between Feb. 28, 1961 & May 7, 1975 or in any other duty location between Aug. 5, 1964 & May 7, 1975. We want you to join this organization!
We are also very fortunate to have several Canadian Vietnam veterans in our group. Boots on the ground guys that came across the border, joined and went to Vietnam.
We're presently trying to raise funds so that we can help individual veterans in need. We've helped the Veterans Home in Lisbon, and we give out several high school scholarships each year. By making a donation to the NDVVA, you're reaching out to a veteran who gave so much for the freedom we all enjoy today in America! We have 4 meetings per year throughout the state and an annual picnic also held somewhere in the state in July. We've got a great organization with great members so please join the brotherhood you've missed for all these years because we truly are a "BAND OF BROTHERS"----WELCOME HOME!
Dan Stenvold, President